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Introduction into Clank: Acquisitions Incorporated

Clank: Acquisitions Incorporated is a legacy game you play between 2-4 players. As you play the game your successes and failures will affect the game in the 10 rounds you play.

that come in the box

  • 1 Rule book

  • 1 Intro letter

  • 1 Charter page to name and sign

  • 1 Campaign tracking sheet

  • 1 Book of Secrets

  • 1 Cardporium box with cards, 

  • 1 Folder with stickers A through M

  • 1 Folder with cardboard punchout, 4 sheets,

  • 1 Folder marked X

  • 1 Folder marked Patron Cards

  • 1 Player box of each color, you can open these before playing, they should contain 1 ring base for the mini, cubes in player color and the normal clank starting deck

  • 1 Vault box, empty

  • 1 Additional components box,

  • 1 Filing Cabinet box, empty

  • 5 Minis (player characters and dragon boss)

  • 1 bag of black cubes

  • 1 Cloth bag

  • 1 Main game board

  • 1 Franchise board

  • 1 Punch board with tokens


Book of secrets
Sticker sheet


Read the game prologue and contracts

On the mission reports page, write down the current game of your campaign. Read the Book of Secrets' selected Prologue Passage aloud. Follow the instructions to choose which side of the board you should use in the game.

Place your Patron


If you received a Patron card in the Prologue passage, read it aloud and place it in the Reserve adjacent to the board. Please remember that its instructions may change these setup guidelines
Make a bank or a pile the gold tokens on the game board.

The minor secrets tokens should be shuffled face down and added to the bank.


Preparing the Dragon Bag and Rage track

Place all the black cubes in the dragon bag and set it next to the board. Then add the dragon meeple accordingly:

4 player game, place it in the first space

3 player game, place it on the second space

2 player game, place it on the third space

Stock the Reserve and Adventure Row


Add the cultist monster card, as well as the Mercenary, Explore, and Mysterious Tome cards, to the reserve row.

The adventure deck is made up of the remaining cards. Shuffle the cards and deal six face-up.

At the start of the game, some cards are not allowed to be in the Adventure row. Set away any Event cards or cards with the Dragon Attack symbol along the right edge that you reveal, and replace them with a card you set aside.

Place remaining tokens around the board

Place the mug tokens  near the HQ

Shuffle the major secrets face down

Place the mystic fruit on the mark spaces

Place the artifacts face up that is marked by it


Take your Deck box

Each player get a Deck Box  that contains things you need for the game

30 clank cubes

1 coloured ring for your character

6 Burgles card

2 stumbles

1 Sidestep

1 role card


Determining the player order and Drawing your cards

Choose a player to take the first turn of the game. the game will proceed clock wise afterwards. The first player add 3 clanks in the franchise board. the second player add 2 clanks and third plays 1. 4th player gets none.


Each player shuffle their ten cards and take the 5 cards on top of the deck. The starting players begins the first turn.

Goal of the game

You must retrieve all the artifact token and go back to HQ

Beat your opponents scores to be declared Most Valuable Employee

How To Take Your Turn

You must play all your player cards with the 5 cards in your hand. After you finish your action place it in your separate discard pile. You take the next 5 cards after then after that turn you do another cycle of shuffling your own deck.

There are symbols that cards have have
Skill: It is blue and is primarily for the acquire a Card action.
Swords: It is red and used to fight monsters 
Boots: used for movement

Gold. You can gain gold from cards
CLANK! Card may say "+1 clank" that means you must add a clank block to your franchise board  
Card draws. Whenever it says draw one or more cards, you take those cards form your own deck.

Acquire Cards, Fight Monsters and Movement

When ever you want to buy cards from the decks the price is on the bottom right. You may pay with the Burgles cards.


To fight the monsters you need a card with the sword symbol. Depending on the Monster card you may need 2 or sword symbols to kill it.


Boots are used to movements, you can traverse the map with how ever many boots you have. There are some footprint icons on the map which means it requires two or more boots. 

Spending Your Gold

There are two ways you can spend your gold, buying from the market or hire a coach to travel to the other side of the map

If you're on the Town space, you may buy a token from the market area of the Franchise Board. All of the items cost 7 coins. You may also only take one type of each item.

To hire a coach you need at least one boot and you need a total of 8 gold. 

Taking an Artifact

You must take the Artifact token back to HQ if you choose to pick it up. If you have already taken a token you cannot take another one. When you have retrieved the artifact back to HQ move the Dragon Marker up one space along the Rage Track.

Board Features

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FORESTS: When you land on a Forest (or Mushroom forest) you become exhausted and cannot spend anymore boots on the Movement action for the rest of your turn.

HQ: This is where you start from each game. 

MAGIC CIRCLES: No effect until cards have text allowing you to interact with the circle.


Minor secret: Take a minor secret at random from the bank
Major secret: Take the major secret token from the space

Mystic Fruit: take one Mystic Fruit token and place it in front of you face up

Card Draw: Draw one card from your deck

Gold: Take the amount of gold shown

Healing: Heal 1 damage


A waypoint is a book with a number on it. When you land or pass it you must read that passage in the Book Of Secrets. After you do what the book of secrets asked, you resume your turn.

Card Effects:
Acquire, Arrive, Danger, Discard, Each Player, Plus, Teleport and Trash

ACQUIRE: A card's Acquire test is carried out one time, the moment you acquire it from the Adventure Row ( not when you play it later from your hand).

ARRIVE: When a card is revealed in the adventure row, its Arrive text is instantly carried out (before any Dragon Attack that may also have been triggered by refilling the Row). If any Arrive text cards are in the Adventure Row at the start of the game, carry out that text before the first player performs their turn.

DANGER: If you pull a danger card you pull a additional cube from the Dragon Bag during each Dragon Attack.

DISCARD: Some cards let you discard a card but you can only discard the card in your hand that you haven't played yet 

EACH PLAYER: If this action is in place each player must do that action.

PLUS: Some cards have plus sign attached to the Skill, Swords and Boots they provide. This meant to point you to the card's text, which may provide more of the same resource that the card has already given.

TELEPORT: Teleportation is a from of movement that takes you directly from one space to another. You do not need boots for this effect.

TRASH: Some cards and tokens can cause you to trash a card. This removes the chosen  card from your deck entirely,  

Ending You Turn and Dragon Attacks

Once you've played all of your cards and taken all the actions you wish for your turn, simply declare the end of your turn. You then do the following.

Resolve Contracts 

If you've fulfilled the conditions of any Contracts that resolve at the end of a turn, do as they say.

Clear your Play Area and Draw a New Hand:

Put all of the cards from your play area into your discard pile. Keep this pile face up, to easily distinguish it from your deck.

Refill the Adventure Row 

If there are fewer than 6 cards in the Adventure Row, refill the empty spots with new cards.





If your Clank! bar is fill all the way in, you are knocked out. Depending where you get knocked out you either live to see another day or you die a much more unpleasant manner. There are two parts on the map, one has a green side and the other has more of an orange colour. Whenever you get knocked out in the green area you will be teleported back to HQ. If you get knocked out in the Orange side which is called the "Danger Zone" you player score will be zero for that round.

End of a Campaign Game

1) Fill Out Your Mission Report

Fill in game scores in the appropriate row of your Mission Reports document. if you have not filled in Associate Spotlight information for this game, the Epilogue Passage you read in the next step will explain

2) Read Contracts and the Epilogue Passage

Check for any Contracts that have instructions for the end of the game and do as they say. Next you must read aloud from the Book of Secrets the Epilogue Passage for the next game.

3) Each player marks the Associate Status track on their own deck box with one Checkmark of Grudging approval for each of the following: Scoring more than 0 points, winning the game, and completing a row of personal goals on their deck box

4) Sort Components

Each player now resets their deck. Any Cards they acquired from the reserve of Adventure Deck during the game  are returned to those places. Any cards that were trashed are also returned to where they began.

5) Check for Player Death

Add an X to the Dran Enterprises Track if any player scored 0 points in this game. Even if numerous players scored 0 points, just one X should be added. Read passage 167 in the book of secrets once you've added the X.

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